Your membership number, or account ID is a unique 7-digit number can be located in your Member account, or at the bottom of any emails you receive. It corresponds to your account number on the Club database.
Your membership barcode is a 12-digit number and will change each season when you are issued a new card. You can choose to buy your barcoded Membership card via Richmond Member Rewards, please see more information HERE.
This Membership consists of a 12-digit barcode that allows you to enter games throughout the season. Access members also receive priority access to purchasing finals tickets should Richmond participate.
Non-access memberships (i.e. Baby Tiger, Tiger Toddler, Richmond Rookies, Fighting Tiger Fund) do not receive a 12-digit barcode, and therefore are ineligible to purchase priority finals tickets should Richmond participate.
You can redeem your Membership pack on Richmond Member Rewards! You can expect an email within 5-8 days of purchasing your membership, to activate your account.
Updates on Richmond Member Rewards can be found HERE.
Please contact the Richmond Membership Team on (03) 9426 4400 or via email at if you have any further questions.
For all membership enquiries, or to cancel your membership, please contact the Richmond Membership Team on (03) 9426 4400 or via email at Our phones are open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
Yes, we love extended the Richmond family! However, the membership must be purchased in the recipient’s name. Additional details required include the recipient’s address, contact number, email and date of birth. Feel free to contact the Richmond Membership Team and we can set this up for you to ensure we don’t ruin the surprise!
The First Year Member Event is an exclusive event to welcome our first-year members to the club! The event is different every year to accommodate to our first-year member group and different levels of interest. This event is typically held in the second half of the season, and the invitation is sent digitally, so please keep an eye on your emails!
The cheer squad is run externally to the Richmond Football Club. For all enquiries, including how to join the cheer squad, please contact them via the details below:
Our Supporter Groups are a great way to meet like minded people, who love the Tiger Army! If you are interested in joining an official Richmond Supporter Group, please visit
The best way to meet the players is to attend our open trainings! There will be an opportunity to have your items signed post-training.
More information on Open Trainings can be found here.